pagetitle: projects - projectlistjson: { "1kb-grid":"Simple fixed css grid framework layout", "airtable-plugins": "Plugins and scripts for airtable", "browserclaw":"Display the contents of folders with images, text and markdown, neatly with thumbnails", "cartcake":"Simple shopping cart script", "casey":"Website interface for a flat file cms", "celerondude":"Scripts written by Celeron Dude", "clancake":"Managing clans for gaming", "clickrobot":"Automate clicking the same element in your web browser", "comicake":"Simple script for running a web comic", "commentclaw":"Comment system for wordpress and everywhere else", "css-themes":"CSS themes you can use for your website", "dissenter-extension":"Comment on any web page", "dokuwiki-plugins":"Dokuwiki plugins for a cool wiki script", "dokuwiki-themes":"Themes for dokuwiki (wiki script)", "dynarch-js-calendar":"Javascript calendar plugin for form fields (before the date html form field)", "emojione-firefox-extension":"Insert emojis as you type in Firefox with this extension", "fever-for-selfoss": "Selfoss (self-hosted rss reader) plugin that allows you to interface with third party RSS Reader apps that support the Fever protocol", "fonts": "Fonts I''ve made", "hostclaw":"Billing script for WHM", "icmp": "Instagram Collection Manager Pro, organise your collections of saved posts", "inquisitive-dichotomy":"Personality test based on how you make decisions", "magento":"Plugins for Magento 1", "mybb-plugins":"Plugins for the best free forum script", "mycalculators":"Rapidly easy forms to calculate useful things", "onetab":"Onetab HTML to serialisation", "onull":"Convert pixel images to vector", "pervyslags":"Rate celebrities in a fun way", "petmi":"Import large mysql database .sql files in segments", "phpbannerexchange":"Run your own banner exchange", "phpbb-plugins":"Plugins for the second best free forum script", "processwire-modules":"Plugins for the Processwire CMS/CMF", "recordlabelswantdemos":"A scrapped experiment using the legacy Google Forms", "robocreatif-plum-form":"jQuery plugin that changes the appearance of your forms", "sampleswap":"Get free sound packs for music producers", "screw-default-buttons-v1":"Change the appearance of checkboxes and option boxes to be graphical", "semantic-grid-system":"CSS grid system with responsive support which uses LESS.js", "sexy-alert-box":"jQuery plugin to replace the javascript native alert and prompt", "sexy-lightbox":"jQuery Lightbox plugin that's attractive", "sms-scripts":"Scripts for sending SMS", "stacey2.3":"Simple flat file content management system (CMS)", "starkers":"Skeleton wordpress theme for making your own themes", "stockclaw":"Stock manager", "sublime-text-plugins":"Plugins for my favourite code editor", "sugar-chat":"A PHP chat room that supports long polling, websockets, and GUN via node.", "sump": "Soundcloud upload manager pro, for moving unsorted songs into playlists", "quizcake":"Allow groups of people to see who''''s the best at various question topics", "tiny-fluid-grid":"A fluid css grid framework version of the 1kb grid", "tutorialrobot":"Create your own live tutorials for how to use websites", "txtseries":"Flat file scripts for authentication, hit counter, mailing list, email forms and shoutbox", "web-browser-extensions": "Web browser extensions for Edge, Firefox and Chrome", "website-userscripts":"Modifications I make to websites for usability fixes.", "wordpress-plugins": "Plugins for the world's favourite blog script", "wordpress-themes":"Wordpress themes made by desbest and others", "zelune":"Another free proxy script written in php" } - projectsortingjson: { "themesandplugins": [ "airtable-plugins", "css-themes", "dokuwiki-themes", "dokuwiki-plugins", "fever-for-selfoss", "icmp", "magento", "mybb-plugins", "onull", "phpbb-plugins", "processwire-modules", "sublime-text-plugins", "web-browser-extensions", "website-userscripts", "wordpress-plugins", "wordpress-themes" ], "designtoolsandresources": [ "1kb-grid", "fonts", "robocreatif-plumm-form", "screw-default-buttons-v1", "semantic-grid-system", "sexy-alert-box", "sexy-lightbox", "starkers", "tiny-fluid-grid" ] } - hiddenprojectsjson: { "hiddenprojects": [ "airtable-plugins", "commentclaw", "dissenter-extension", "emojione-firefox-extension", "fever-for-selfoss", "icmp", "mybb-plugins", "phpbb-plugins", "processwire-modules", "robocreatif-plum-form", "sublime-text-plugins", "sump" ] } - projecturloverrides: { "1kb-grid":"", "casey":"", "inquisitive-dichotomy":"", "pervyslags":"", "tiny-fluid-grid":"" } - projectimagewidthsjson: { "1kb-grid":"74", "airtableplugins": "133", "browserclaw":"109", "cartcake":"80", "casey":"62", "celerondude":"111", "clancake":"83", "clickrobot":"93", "comicake":"84", "commentclaw":"115", "css-themes":"99", "dissenter-extension":"Comment on any web page", "dokuwiki-plugins":"131", "dokuwiki-themes":"132", "dynarch-js-calendar":"164", "emojione-firefox-extension":"Insert emojis as you type in Firefox with this extension", "feverforselfoss": "150", "fonts": "Fonts I''ve made", "hostclaw":"81", "icmp": "46", "inquisitive-dichotomy":"174", "magento":"Plugins for Magento 1", "mybbplugins":"108", "mycalculators":"Rapidly easy forms to calculate useful things", "onetab":"227", "onull":"Convert pixel images to vector", "pervyslags":"97", "petmi":"Import large mysql database .sql files in segments", "phpbannerexchange":"159", "phpbbplugins":"Plugins for the second best free forum script", "processwiremodules":"169", "recordlabelswantdemos":"A scrapped experiment using the legacy Google Forms", "robocreatif-plum-form":"189", "sampleswap":"Get free sound packs for music producers", "screw-default-buttons-v1":"Change the appearance of checkboxes and option boxes to be graphical", "semantic-grid-system":"CSS grid system with responsive support which uses LESS.js", "sexy-alert-box":"128", "sexy-lightbox":"120", "sms-scripts":"Scripts for sending SMS", "stacey2.3":"Simple flat file content management system (CMS)", "starkers":"80", "stockclaw":"Stock manager", "sublimetextplugins":"171", "sugarchat":"A PHP chat room that supports long polling, websockets, and GUN via node.", "sump": "50", "quizcake":"Allow groups of people to see who''''s the best at various question topics", "tiny-fluid-grid":"A fluid css grid framework version of the 1kb grid", "tutorialrobot":"Create your own live tutorials for how to use websites", "txtseries":"97", "webbrowserextensions": "Web browser extensions for Edge, Firefox and Chrome", "websiteuserscripts":"165", "wordpressplugins": "Plugins for the world's favourite blog script", "wordpressthemes":"150", "zelune":"Another free proxy script written in php" } -