phpBannerExchange changelog

Run your own banner exchange

CHANGE LOG for phpBannerExchange 2.0

-- GOLD --
-- Released 05/02/05 --

~Fixed a variable issue that was not correctly echoing the "send newsletter" data from the user account on the edit account form.
~Added some logic to stop some mysql errors on the top accounts page. A message is now displayed ifno results are returned (either "0" or null).
~Fixed an error with the template library that can cause some older installations of PHP to complain about the use of brackets ("{" and "}") in the code.
~Fixed a typo in template key output for the client and admin banner upload pages.
~Admins and users can now delete banners.
~Category admin will now show accounts in both pending and validated status.
~Fixed the "Total banners served" stat on the admin panel. This was an error on my part, it is supposed to display how many banners are currently in the rotation, nothing more.
~Fixed the COU so the %variables% now work properly.
~Added code to strip slashes from the submitted/edited templates, but only if Magic Quotes are enabled in php.ini.
~Added an interface to search for orders in the commerce manager. This tool allows you to search for orders, list orders, etc.
~Added the ability to link to user's sales history from the "edit account" admin screen.
~Added a sales history link on the user control panel.
~Fixed the installer, a typo caused the FAQ DB to not be created.
~Fixed the query on the "Top X" portion of the script to conform with the new database table. The script was trying to pull the url code from the old style of database (bannerstats).
~Admins can now change the default banner.
~Added "Credits" display to the client side for easy viewing.
~Altered "bannercommerce" table to allow for decimal values on both prices and credits.
~Added a column to the bannersales database for timestamp.
~Added the ability to offer "coupons" in the online store.
~Added a warning/nag to the main admin control panel about deleting the install folder. This message goes away when the install folder is deleted or renamed.
~Added an "errors" template which is just a generic "one size fits all" type template for easier editing.
~Completely re-written language files, which eliminates duplicate entries, obsolete entries, etc.
~Added a number next to the "Validate" menu item on the admin panel to denote how many accounts are waiting to be validated.
~Added a number next to the "List Accounts" menu item on the admin panel to denote how many accounts are active in the exchange.
~Added an update feature that checks for newer versions of script files. See the documentation for details.

-- Release Candidate 4 (RC4)--
-- Released 10/16/04 --

~Administrators may now choose to use Zend Optimized pages or not.
~Removed redundant Zend code from menuing systems, and added an option to enable or disable the zend code in the config.
~Fixed a "header output already sent" errors on the client stats page.
~Changed all form processed variables to the register_globals compliant "$_REQUEST" style variables.
~Fixed divide by zero errors across the exchange.
~Removed the "Site URL" functionality. Each banner can now be assigned its own URL. Also removed all menu items and pages for this feature.
~Re-wrote the login/user verification routines for both admin and client side users.
~Fixed the edit account page, the categories are now properly echoed and saved (admin).
~Fixed the signup page, it now saves categories.
~Fixed the password reset upon signup issue for non-MD5 users.
~Corrected a logic flaw in the anti-cheat. If no anti-cheat was set, it would not log clicks. If both anti-cheats were set, it would give double credit, take double credit away, and count double exposures. The anti-cheat logic has now been completely re-written to specify either "cookies", "DB" or "none".
~Added the option to use the shuffle() command for the banner randomization, or the rand() mySQL command. Older versions of mySQL does not support the rand() function.
~Fixed a security issue where someone can enter bogus information into the user/password field (client side) and gain access to the "0"/default account. Users could not change anything, but they can see it.
~Added logic to destroy the stale sessions for users who do not use the logout button.
~Added the ability to edit the configuration variables from the admin control panel.

--Release Candidate 3 (RC3) --
-- Released 07/05/04 --

~Removed language template verbage that offered the code on the signup page.
~Fixed a small bug in the exchange code, it will now generate a closing tag for the image.
~Fixed the "Change URL" logic on the client side to check the site to insure validity.
~Fixed various minor HTML errors and variable typos in top_x.php, mail_newuser.php.
~Fixed a bug with the categories not displaying correctly.
~Fixed a bug that caused the category selected by the client to be reset upon validation.
~Clients now have the ability to edit their own banner (used to generate a 404 error).
~Cleaned up the login script. Going to the admin or client index page will destroy any open sessions which will prevent the "login error" problems. This was caused by improperly logging out or the session not being destroyed.
~Added "I agree/I do not agree" links to the bottom of the COU.
~Added gzip compression to all output.
~Added the ability to limit the number of banners that can be added to an account. The admin can add banners manually to the account over the set limit using the Admin panel as usual, but a message is displayed when a user tries to add more banners than is allowed.
~Added several phrases and words to the language files. These are all located at the bottom of the appropriate files under the "//Added RC3" section for easy translation.
~Added the ability to change the "default" banner.
~Added a small e-commece system to facilitate the purchasing of exposures by clients.
~Removed several unused files. Many files were obsoleted with the addition of the template files.
~Moved the "style.css" file to the /templates/ directory.

--Release Candidate 2 (RC2) --
-- Released 02/07/04 --

NOTICE: There has been some database changes in this version. If you are running phpBannerExchange 2.x, you will need to use the "rcupgrade.php" script located in the /install directory to correctly install the new script...MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE BEFORE UPGRADING!

~Fixed a problem with the add form (forgot to provide an error template).
~Fixed a problem with the banner display tables that caused the tablesto infinitely duplicate.
~Fixed a division by zero error on the user stats page that occurred when a user had no site clicks or exposures.
~Fixed a problem with users being unable to delete their banners on an upload allowed exchange.
~Fixed a problem admins being unable to properly upload banners.
~Fixed the newsletter send dialog to include language support and provide a link to the stats page when mail sending is complete.
~Fixed a few language templating issues (stray/placeholding words).
~Fixed some minor HTML/formatting issues.
~Line breaks now work in the e-mail/newsletter form without the use of HTML.
~Added the ability to e-mail just one account/user on the edit account page.
~Added te ability to edit the Conditions of Use (COU) and rules documents from the Administration Panel.
~Added the newsletter signup option to the account signup form.
~Added a referral program.
~Added a FAQ/FAQ Manager feature.
~The COU and Rules documents are now stored in the database.
~Added the ability to pause the exchange. When the exchange is paused, only default account banners will be shown.
~Added the ability to mass mail only users in a specific category.
~The script is now distributed in both .zip and tar.gz format.
~Added a disclaimer for all mailings that allow one-click setting of newsletter preferences to not receive the newsletters. This was added in response to recent laws passed in the United States to require such features. This "footer" is appended to all outgoing newsletters and is available for editing in the "templates/mail" directory (it's called "removal.php") I would recommend against editing this, however.

--Release Candidate 1 (RC1)--
-- Released 01/04/04--
~Fixed a problem with the text option in the HTML code not properly linking to the $baseurl variable due to a typo.
~Fixed the add, delete and edit banner URL functions for linked (non-uploaded) banner exchanges.
~Fixed a problem where the "default" banner included with the install was displayed on all accounts' banner pages.
~Fixed the view.php logic so the "default" banner included with the install will only appear if there are zero default accounts available for view.
~Fixed the banner checker, it was not moving accounts it found to be broken.
~The "view" link when validating and editing accounts now opens a new browser window.
~Removed a few unused files from the source distribution.

--Beta 1.5--
--Released 01/02/04--
~Added the ability for admins to specify If the "exchange image" is displayed on the top, left, right, or bottom of the banner if any.
~Added the ability for admins to specify if the bottom exchange text is displayed.
~Added the ability for admins to specify what text, if any is displayed under the banner.
~Added a link to the "view" the URL being edited or validated. Added some logic so this will not appear if the account is being added.
~Fixed a bug in the install and upgrade script that prevented the ability to disable image upload functionality.
~Fixed some errorneous title errors.
~Fixed a bug where the footer was displayed twice on some pages.
~Fixed several variable echo errors from the language files.
~Fixed a templating error that caused the admin banner upload utility to be seen on a user template.
~Fixed the signup confirmation/error dialog so it will appear in a template.
~Fixed a bug that prevented admins from seeing remotely hosted banners.
~Inserted logic that will suppress the "Banner URL" field from appearing on the signup page when the upload feature is enabled.
~Default banners no longer appear in the top XXX banners list.

--Beta 1--
--Inital Release (01/01/04)--
~Added a database backup and recovery tool.
~Added an upload utility. Admins may now specifiy if the banners are stored locally or remotely.
~Added category functionality.
~Added language file support.
~Added the ability to specify an exchange ratio in the config.php.
~Added the ability to specify banner size in the config.php.
~Added MD5 password support.
~Added a banner checking tool to clean help with cleaning the database of dead/old banners and accounts for remotely hosted banners.
~Added sessions support for login security.
~Added Top x account display. "x" is configurable via the config.php/install/upgrade file.
~Added a mass mailing utility.
~Added overall exchange statistics display.
~Added help files for installation and admin functions.
~Added database-based anti-cheat support to supplement cookie-based anti-cheat.
~Added an upgrade script to fix new table structure for virtually seamless upgrading.
~Split user database into user and statistics database. This should increase performance slightly and reduce the risk of account loss due to table corruption.
~Enchanced statistics to include click-thru percentage and click to exposure ratio.
~phpBannerExchange is now (mostly) Template based.
~Anti-cheat can be turned on, off, or used in tandem (both cookies and db logging).
~Completely redesigned UI to look more professional.
~Rewritten banner viewing code to help prevent account credits from going to negative values on high-demand/volume exchanges. Default accounts will still show negative credits.
~New installs get a default account set up that is an advertisement for the script. This should stop the shuffle() errors.

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