phpBannerExchange Release Notes

Run your own banner exchange

phpBannerExchange 2.0 Release Notes

-- Update 7 --
-- Released 6/28/06 --
~Optimized the regular expression used to validate a new signup e-mail address on signupconfirm.php to allow subdomains (example: [email protected]) and dashes (-).

-- Update 6 --
-- Released 6/12/06 --
~SECURITY FIX: Added input validation to all user/admin forms to protect against XSS/MySQL injection exploits for admins running this script with MagicQuotes disabled.

-- Update 5 --
-- Released 5/1/06 --
~SECURITY FIX: Fixed a directory traversal issue with the resetpw.php file.

-- Update 4 --
-- Released 05/11/05 --
~/admin/editvars.php: Fixed a problem with the exchange image position variable not being echoed correctly by the script. This update requres the downloading of the admin_editvars.php template, which is available by going to Be sure to rename the file to .php before uploading it to your server.
~/view.php: Improved the flow of the script in regards to the queries and fixed a minor logic bug that occurred when there were no banners to display.
~/client/stats.php: Fixed a division by zero error on the main stats page that occurred when a user had zero exposures on their account.
~/client/clicklog.php: Fixed a variable transposition error that caused the date format to be different than what is reflected in the config.php.

-- Update 3 --
-- Released 05/10/05 --
~/admin/processvars.php: Now adds stripslashes() functions for the exchangename and sitename variables to remove slashes when Magic Quotes is active on the server.
~/client/gethtml.php: Fixed a bug in the html code that causes the exchange image to not appear correctly when using the 'bottom' option. The "top" and "bottom" options now use a table to display these images properly.

-- Update 2 --
-- Released 05/09/05 --
~view.php: Fixed a problem with view.php not outputting anything (or a 0) if there were no default banners and no default credits. A message now reports that there is no default banner whenever a hit to the default banner occurs.
~/admin/edit.php: Fixed the view credit sales history link to link to the correct page.
~/admin/changedefaultbanner.php: Fixed a bug with changing the default banner if the default banner/default URL was null (""). Changing this no longer creates a new record.
~/admin/css_change.php: Added magic quotes/stripslashes logic.
~/admin/editcss.php: Added magic quotes/stripslashes logic.

-- Update 1 --
-- Released 05/05/05 --
~Added stripslashes() logic to /cou.php, /rules.php and /admin/editstuff.php to correct a minor issue with slashes appearing when using an apostraphe (') or quote (") in the rules or COU/TOS. This only affects machines with MagicQuotes disabled. These files will be updated in the distribution zip file momentarily.

-- GOLD --
-- Released 05/02/05 --
~Initial Release

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